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Re: [xymon] Query about bad<tests>

In <BAY145-w3491626CD2D7D65CBD3A5DCFFC0 (at) phx.gbl> James Isolder <isolderj (at) hotmail.com> writes:

>as i understand it the following line
><ipnumber>   <hostname> # ssh spamd badSPAMD:2:3:5
> should go "clear" after the second failure=2C "yellow" after three success=
>ive failures=2C and "red" after 5 successive failures But this does not see=
>m to happen.

Try with "badspamd:2:3:5" - I'm not sure if this is case-sensitive. Stuff
usually isn't.

If it still doesn't work, then try deleting the file $XYMONTMP/spamd..status
and then run

   xymoncmd xymonnet --noping --no-update HOSTNAME|egrep "^status.*spamd"

5 times and tell us what it reports.
