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Re: [xymon] Hobbitd and bbproxy at the same host

Hello Craig,

Thanks, Work like a charm!

Best regards,


On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Craig Whilding
<craig_whilding (at) mentor.com>wrote:

>  On 18/01/11 15:45, Mario Andre Panza wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there someone on the list that could share with me a working
> configuration of hobbitlaunch.cfg and hobbitserver.cfg for running hobbitd
> and bbproxy at the same host on different ports?
> I´ve tried some configurations already described on the list but without
> success.
> Thanks in advance,
> Mario.
>  Try this -
> To forward using bbproxy you need to:
> Add --listen= to [hobbitd] in your forwarding server's
> hobbitlaunch.cfg (port 1984 is now used by the proxy instead)
> CMD hobbitd --listen= --pidfile=$BBSERVERLOGS/hobbitd.pid
> --restart=$BBTMP/hobbitd.chk \
>  --checkpoint-file=$BBTMP/hobbitd.chk --checkpoint-interval=600
> --log=$BBSERVERLOGS/hobbitd.log \
>  --admin-senders=,$BBSERVERIP --store-clientlogs=!msgs
> Enable [bbproxy] in your forwarding server's hobbitlaunch.cfg (remove
> DISABLED) and add the following to the CMD line
> --bbdisplay=[mainServerIP]:1984, (NB: is last
> because the last variable points to the server that configures clients) to
> tell the proxy to forward requests to both servers
> Add --listen= to make sure it listens for incoming messages on
> port 1984
> Change the BBPORT setting in hobbitserver.cfg to point at the 1985 port.
> This setting is used e.g. by the web CGI's that talk to the hobbitd service,
> so it is required to point at that port and not the proxy. The display will
> not work locally if this is left at 1984
> Add BBPORT=1984 to CMD sections of [bbnet] and [bbretest] sections in
> hobbitlaunch.cfg otherwise they will bypass the proxy using the new value of
> BBPORT inserted in hobbitserver.cfg.
> #Example
> CMD BBPORT=1984 bbtest-net --report --ping --checkresponse
> Restart Xymon
> Regards,
> Craig