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RE: [xymon] Execute a script on the client side

You can write a script that you must install on the client but which you can change the configuration parameters for on the server.

On the Xymon server edit the ~xymon/server/etc/client-local.cfg file and put in the entries you need passed to the client. I created my own entries for Solaris SMF daemons I wanted to monitor:

SVC:svc:/network/ssh:default online
SVC:svc:/site/apache2:default online

All of this information is passed to the client.

In the client-side script you need to include code that reads the ~xymon/client/tmp/logftech.<hostname>.cfg file. I wrote the following:

rm $SVCFILE.check >/dev/null 2>&1

# Get a list of things to check for
grep "^SVC:" $BBTMP/logfetch.$MACHINEDOTS.cfg | sed "s/^SVC://g" >> $SVCFILE.check

Now I can specify on the Xymon server which SMF services are checked for on my clients.


Martin Ward
Manager, Technical Services

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: meepmeep [mailto:meepmeep (at) fantasya.org]
> Sent: 14 January 2011 16:38
> To: xymon (at) xymon.com
> Subject: [xymon] Execute a script on the client side
> Hi
> I use Xymon to monitor multiple server. Since last week, one of my
> server get a suspicious behavior : the openvpn process was still up,
> but the default route changed, making it appears on the web with its
> original IP address (and not the openvpn gateway).
> I decide to use xymon to detect this, but, I'm kind of stuck to
> execute the script on the client side
> I follow this "howto" :
> http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/System_Monitoring_with_Xymon/Other_Docs/HO
> WTO#How_to_write_server_side_module_.3F
> But, finally, the script give my the public address of the SERVER side.
> So, am I doing something wrong with the server side module ? Is there
> an option to push the test on the client side ?
> Or, must I put the script on the client side (~hobbit/client/ext/),
> like describe here :
> http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/System_Monitoring_with_Xymon/Other_Docs/HO
> WTO#How_can_I_create_a_hobbit_client_custom_test_script.3F
> ?
> (I know, the name "server side module" is obvious, but I thought
> xymon was able to keep client configuration on server side)
> --
> Nicolas G. / meepmeep
> [EuropNet.org Admin]
> "Procrastinators: Leaders of Tomorrow"
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