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Re: [xymon] xymonreports.sh: Must have Xymon environment set.

"Hermann-Josef Beckers" <hj.beckers (at) kreis-steinfurt.de> schrieb am 
10.01.2011 14:44:41:

> You are right. Using your commandline example the reports are 
> generated under www/periodic. I can load the index.hmtl using 
> FFs load file function. But the generated html files contain 
> hrefs like "/xymon/periodic/weekly/...". If I click on them I 
> get "file not found" errors. Do I have to set a link in the 
> xymon apache configfile or define a variable? Wouldn't it make 
> sense to add a menu item "periodic reports" under the "Reports" 
> section? 
Please ignore the last part. I found that I can already use 
