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Re: [xymon] how to "escape" a column name

Turns out, <br> does not work, but <br/> does.  My reading suggests the
former is "non portable" while the latter will be, into the future, from an
HTML point of view.

So far, other parts seem unaffected.   Any parts I should attempt to test?

joe a.

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 6:50 AM, Henrik Størner <henrik (at) hswn.dk> wrote:

> In <AANLkTimCqPkZmgM1ZC4ezwPoi+pBNhvuBt0eMKnV_px9 (at) mail.gmail.com<AANLkTimCqPkZmgM1ZC4ezwPoi%2BpBNhvuBt0eMKnV_px9 (at) mail.gmail.com>>
> Joe Acquisto <joe.acquisto (at) gmail.com> writes:
> >Is it possible to "escape" a status message, so as to make a status column
> >heading appear on two lines?
> >such as ~/bin/bb my_host "status 'uname -n'.MyColumn\nName green `date`
> `cat
> >mytest`"
> I don't think you can do that. If possible, it would involve writing the
> column-name as HTML, i.e. with a "<br>" for the newline. But I wouldn't
> be surprised if some parts of Xymon choked on those angle brackets as
> part of a status-name.
> Regards,
> Henrik
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