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Re: [xymon] Xymon pages slooooow!?

I found the reason, why our Xymon server is slow.
Our primary DNS server didn't work correctly.

Sorry for such a stupid mail to mailinglist.


On 2011/01/06 22:20, Xymon User in Richmond wrote:
On Wed, January 5, 2011 21:23, Maik Heinelt wrote:
Since a view days, our Xymon 4.2.3 pages are extreme slow.
I cannot find the reason. I didn't change anything the last 3 month.
Also a Xymon restart, or even full reboot doesn't change anything.

Server CPU is just used about 1.6% and also not swapping memory at all.
All other daemon running well and without any trouble.

Any hint?
If "slow" means retrieving a page in a browser, or painting the screen for
a page, I'd suspect network issues.  Do you have the ability to run a
browser on a physical console on the server and access
http://localhost:/xymon/?  In addition to network congestion, look for
things like the switch link having gone to half-duplex, etc.

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