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RE: [xymon] rrd change



Thanks all for helping so far, but i have found the culprit and I fear
it can't be solved unless they adjust the rrd program itself. Hard coded
in rrd the line below is found so I think it's impossible to go above
100% If any know a way please let me know.


            if ((actval >= 0) && (actval <= 100)) {

                        sprintf(rrdfn, "memory.actual.rrd");

                        sprintf(rrdvalues, "%d:%d", (int)tstamp,

                        create_and_update_rrd(hostname, rrdfn,
memory_params, memory_tpl);




From: Claessens Jurgen [mailto:Jurgen.Claessens (at) cegeka.be] 
Sent: donderdag 6 januari 2011 11:38
To: xymon (at) xymon.com
Subject: RE: [xymon] rrd change




The script send over an html file to the server. So the data in that end
stays the same. The Text(X_Status) is just color coding.

Below you can see the HTML being generated. I checked the rrd file and
as far as I can tell there's no max limit set.



<!-- Round Robin Database Dump --><rrd>        <version> 0003 </version>

                <step> 300 </step> <!-- Seconds -->

                <lastupdate> 1294279930 </lastupdate> <!-- 2011-01-06
03:12:10 CET -->



                               <name> realmempct </name>

                               <type> GAUGE </type>

                               <minimal_heartbeat> 600

                               <min> 0.0000000000e+00 </min>

                               <max> NaN </max>


                               <!-- PDP Status -->

                               <last_ds> UNKN </last_ds>

                               <value> NaN </value>

                               <unknown_sec> 130 </unknown_sec>



Script output


objFile.WriteLine("<h3>" & Now & " - Memory " & Text(Global_Status) &

objFile.WriteLine("<table border=0>")

objFile.WriteLine("<tr align=right><td align=""left""
width=100>Memory</td><td width=100>Used</td><td width=100>Total</td><td
width=100>Percentage</td><td width=40>&nbsp;</td></tr>")

objFile.WriteLine("<tr align=right><td align=""left""
style=""color:red"">&" & Text(Phys_Status) & " Physical</td><td>" &
Round(Phys_Used) & "M</td><td>" & Round(Phys_Total) & "M</td><td>" &
Round(Phys_Pct) & "%</td><td width=40>&nbsp;</td></tr>")

objFile.WriteLine("<tr align=right><td align=""left""
style=""color:blue"">&" & Text(Virt_Status) & " Virtual</td><td>" &
Round(Virt_Used) & "M</td><td>" & Round(Virt_Total) & "M</td><td>" &
Round(Virt_Pct) & "%</td><td width=40>&nbsp;</td></tr>")

objFile.WriteLine("<tr align=right><td align=""left""
style=""color:green"">&" & Text(Page_Status) & " Swap
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp</td><td>" & Round(Page_Used) & "M</td><td>" &
Round(Page_Total) & "M</td><td>" & Round(Page_Pct) & "%</td><td






From: Vernon Everett [mailto:everett.vernon (at) gmail.com] 
Sent: donderdag 6 januari 2011 10:38
To: xymon (at) xymon.com
Subject: Re: [xymon] rrd change


Hmmm. That's interesting.

So, nothing is getting to the rrd file for the rrd graphing module to

Have you checked that the values are being sent through correctly?
By this, I mean, when it exceeds 100%, is your script still sending data
Do you have some code somewhere in your script that sends non-numeric
output at 100 or over?
Think in terms of what changes at 100 or above? You have moved from 2
characters to 3.
Also, has the input to your script changes in some subtle way at 100%,
which will change the output.
Remember, for NCV to work, the output has to be 
fieldname : value
on a line on their own.
Any garbage will break it. Check especially for non-printable characters
and control codes.
Dump your output to a file, and use cat -v


On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Claessens Jurgen
<Jurgen.Claessens (at) cegeka.be> wrote:



Thank you for the quick response. I checked the rrd data and it seems
that no data is being written to the file when it exceeds 100%. Any idea
where the problem could be located and how to fix it? 

 As I said below 100% it writes fine, so I'm guessing that it's not the
format that is sent to Xymon, but how rrd reads it?




From: Vernon Everett [mailto:everett.vernon (at) gmail.com] 
Sent: donderdag 6 januari 2011 9:15
To: xymon (at) xymon.com
Subject: Re: [xymon] rrd change


First check the values in the rrd file.
Make sure they are being written to the data file.

Next, check hobbitgraphs.cfg
Your graph definition probably has 
-l 0
-u 100
Lower bound 0
Upper bound 100

Remove the -u 100, and the graph will automatically rescale itselft to
the new data values.


On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Claessens Jurgen
<Jurgen.Claessens (at) cegeka.be> wrote:


I have an issue with a custom memory script I wrote. The script delivers
everything fine and also the data is processed correctly in Xymon, but
when the data goes above 100%, which it can, no more graphs are created.
When it drops graphs are ok again. Does anyone know where/how exactly I
need to modify the rrd so it accepts above 100% to create the graphs.

Thx in advance