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Re: [xymon] hobbit-alerts.cfg and where's the needle

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And thanks, too, to you Steve. I'd been anchoring things that way but
wondering to myself why I was doing it (or if I'd just misunderstood an

On 01/04/2011 10:06 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> Thanks to Rob and Martha. Who would have thought that 'fprnts' would
> match 'PRNT' ? Changing 'PRNT' in the regex to '^PRNT' fixed the
> problem. I may anchor all of the expressions that way to prevent future
> similar problems.
> Thanks again,
> Steve
> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 9:45 AM, Martha McConaghy <URMM (at) vm.marist.edu
> <mailto:URMM (at) vm.marist.edu>> wrote:
>     Steve,
>     It sounds like you want the bbcmd to test the alerts file.  Its
>     documented
>     in http:/.../xymon/help/hobbit-alerts.html.  It allows you to do a test
>     run through your hobbit-alerts.cfg file and find all the places that
>     might
>     trigger an alert based on given criteria such as the hostname and test
>     (i.e. cpu, disk, etc.).  It can also test yellow alerts as well as red.
>     The hobbitd_alert man page also contains more detailed information.
>     ./bin/bbcmd hobbitd_alert --test osiris.hswn.dk
>     <http://osiris.hswn.dk> cpu
>     I have found this to be invaluable as our alerts file has grown.  Hope
>     it helps.
>     Martha McConaghy
>     Marist College
>     On Mon, 3 Jan 2011 16:39:20 -0500 Steve Holmes said:
>     >Is there any way to find out exactly where a recipient is being
>     picked up to
>     >be alerted for a specific host?
>     >I.e. (on Xymon 4.2.3) I have 2 recipients for all tests on a pair
>     of hosts
>     >and there should be only one. They are windows application servers
>     and both
>     >the app admins and unix admins are getting the alerts. The info
>     pages for
>     >both hosts on that page show both groups as recipients. I've
>     scoured the
>     >hobbit-alerts.cfg file and I can NOT see any way the unix admin
>     group should
>     >be included as a recipient for either of the hosts on the page in
>     question,
>     >nor for either of the individual hosts.
>     >
>     >What I'm looking for is a tool that will read the hobbit-alerts.cfg
>     file and
>     >take args like a host name and recipient, and return an explanation
>     of how
>     >the results are compiled, in particular, which config line or lines
>     would
>     >result in a specific recipient being included. I know this is highly
>     >unlikely to exist, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
>     >
>     >Thanks!
>     >Steve
>     >Purdue University/ITSO
>     >
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|Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Sr. Systems Programmer
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