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Re: [xymon] Official Version

In <0362AE866EBF9B4B964BD6C9652E8D9104E80D5D (at) kfmex22p.ud1.utility> <Chris.Morris (at) rwe.com> writes:

>Firstly can I say it is great that Henrik is back and xymon seems to be
>moving forward again.

>Can I ask why the beta release is 4.3.0-beta3?  What happened to the
>4.4.0-1 version I downloaded in March and have been running with since

4.3 and 4.4 development was going on in parallel, and it ended up being
somewhat of a mess. Some new features were in 4.3, some in 4.4, and
some even in the "trunk" of the source-code repository. Quite confusing.
And then everything stalled. 

So instead of trying to juggle too many things at once, the new stuff that
was in the 4.4 tree was merged into 4.3.0.

Note: There has never been an official 4.4-release.

>What are the major differences/developments since then?

"To tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself."

See the release-notes and Changelog. But going to 4.3.0-beta3 should not 
remove any features you've used in the 4.4-snapshot.

>I have been out of thhe loop as I tried unsubscribing my old email and
>subscribing with the new one unsuccessfully several times!!

Your mail software transparently generates one-time sender adresses,
and that doesn't work with the mailinglist software I use for the
Xymon list. I've subscribed you manually.
