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parsing bug in hobbit-clients.cfg


Suppose you have the following entry in hobbit-clients.cfg:

	PROC apache

then the PROC test will be ignored for example.com. If the two hosts are reversed, i.e.

	PROC apache

then the PROC test will be done for both hosts. I tried with a few variations on this and it appears that any later string in the comma separated list will be ignored if it is a substring of a string that appeared earlier. The same goes for EXHOSTS and probably most other selectors.

This bug is present in at least versions 4.3.0 beta2 (from Debian lenny-backports) and 4.2.0 (from Debian lenny).

     -- Elmar

Dr. Elmar S. Heeb <heeb (at) phys.ethz.ch>   support: +41 44 633 26 68
IT Services Group, HPT D 19               voice: +41 44 633 25 91
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