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RE: [xenon] Xymon : how is data flow in case of xenon

If you add the demon software to monitor your network devices, it uses the pull method polling the devices via snip.

ÂBruce White
ÂSenior Enterprise Systems Engineer | Phone: 630-671-5169 | Fax: 630-893-1648 |Âbewhite (at) fellowes.com | http://www.fellowes.com/
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-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik "StÃÂrner [mailto:henrik (at) hswn.dk]
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 2:47 PM
To: xymon (at) xymon.com
Subject: Re: [xymon] Xymon : how is data flow in case of xymon

In <AANLkTi=0gz6siW+Gc9hSNH2R1tc2HJT+dzDvcgedyrR8 (at) mail.gmail.com> akshar bhosale <akshar.bhosale (at) gmail.com> writes:

>i have one doubt regarding data flow (communication) in case of xymon  in
>the sense that  server-client architecture of xymon follows push or pull of
>data ?
>In case of xymon as how data flows from server to clients or clients to
>server ? How the data of external ( extention/ custom scripts ) scripts is
>available with server. How xymon handles all tests data? does it (server)
>pulls all data from clients or clients sends their data to xymon? or there
>is two way data flow?

By default, the clients push data to the Xymon server.

You can setup a pull-system, using the "hobbitfetch" and "msgcache" tools,
but the push-method scales better.

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