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RE: [xymon] CPU load average not being graphed for some servers

From: Ward, Martin [mailto:Martin.Ward (at) colt.net] 


Hi all,


I'm having trouble tracking this one down. For many of my
Xymon-monitored servers I can see the graphs on the CPU load page and
they have data in them. Yet for many others the CPU graphs are empty. I
can see the graphs but there is no data.


Investigation reveals that for those servers who are missing data the
.cpu file has not been updated in months, yet when I look at the client
data available it shows the load average in the uptime section, as in:



  5:07pm  2 users,  load average: 0.53, 0.71, 0.62


which is, I believe, where Xymon gets the LA from. 





This may be related to an issue I came across last year.


The (cpu load and users & processes) graphs appear to be dependent on
the exact output of the 'uptime' command.


In my case, the graphs did show for the first 24 hours of uptime,
didn't show after 24 hours, then started showing again after 48 hours of

I was finally able to isolate this to the output of 'uptime' for the
first full day - it showed 'day' not 'days'.


# uptime

 12:41pm  up 196 days 21:49,  5 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.19, 0.17


# uptime

 12:41pm  up 1 day 21:49,  2 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.02, 0.00


I 'fixed' this by updating hobbitclient-linux.sh and modified the output
of the 'uptime' command replacing 'day ' with 'days '.


echo "[uptime]"

uptime | perl -pe "s/^(.*) day (.*)/\1 days \2/"


It appears your uptime command does not show the 'up x days HH:MM'.



Tom Brand