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Re: [hobbit] How do you check the status from other column from scripts?

I don't write scripts but maybe you could curl the status page and
look at the background (it's red or green based on condition).

On 11/26/09, Aulestia Jimmy <Jimmy.Aulestia (at) telefonica.com.ec> wrote:
> How can i check or query the values from a other column in a script?
> I wooul like to execute a script1 that create the COLUMN 1, this script1
> use the status, maybe COLOR o hobbitgraph variable from  a COLUMN2
> Greetings,
> Jimmy Aulestia
> Movil: 08 771 4041
> Oficina: 099996503  / 2227700 - ext 6503
> Jimmy.Aulestia (at) telefonica.com.ec
> <mailto:Jimmy.Aulestia (at) telefonica.com.ec>

Josh Luthman
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