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Re: [hobbit] Separate thresholds per filesystem question

[thread formatted for slightly better readability]

----- "Matthew Moldvan" <mmoldvan (at) csc.com> wrote:

> The default is at 90 95, which it seems to be applying.

But, is it listed before or after the host-specific threshold? The DEFAULT rule will match all hosts, and first match wins, so if you added *after* DEFAULT, you must move it to before DEFAULT.

> I'll try hard
> coding the hostname and work from there ...
> The question still remains: does Xymon support extended regular
> expressions?

Yes it does. The question below about whether DEFAULT precedes or follows your host-specific rule also still remains.

> 	Greg Hubbard <glh.forums (at) gmail.com>
> "However, Xymon doesn't seem to honor the above DISK entries and still
> marks both
> "/export/data/subdir/subdir2/log" and
> "/export/data/subdir/subdir2/log2" as red when it hits 90%+ due to the
> DEFAULT entry."
> Is the DEFAULT entry above or below this? Xymon stops at the first
> match.
> You might try hard coding something instead of using the fancy $MACRO
> just to separate the problems of "is my DISK statement right" from "is
> my fancy $MACRO right".