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Re: [hobbit] firefox 3.5 problem with graph zoom display - ymon 4.2.2-RC1-2008.12.01

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 13:21, Matthew Moldvan <mmoldvan (at) csc.com> wrote:
> There's a simply CSS fix out there somewhere ... can't remember the URL but basically the fix was to add the following to main/main.css in the Xymon path:
> #zoomSensitiveZone{
>         opacity:0;
> }
> #zoomBox{
>         opacity:0.5;
> }

This raises a question I've been wondering about for some time: is
there an advantage or licensing requirement for downloading the
content of zoom.js (~21 kB) in each invocation of hobbitgraph with
action=selzoom? The menu scripts aren't embedded: they're sourced by
reference (src= in bb_footer). I know it isn't a lot of bandwidth, but
it seems an unnecessary redundancy.