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Re: [hobbit] Reprocessing all data

What does "reprocess all data" mean?  Are you wanting Xymon to start over
with log scanning?

I believe the default "window" for message scanning is 30 minutes.  Logs are
scanned by the client agent.

Xymon is not really designed to turn individual entries in log files into
individual alarms like you might do in Netcool, HPOM, BEM, etc.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 6:08 PM, David Lee <palann (at) gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is a newbie question but how do I go about reprocessing all data?  As
> I understand if xymon is monitor syslog, entries will gradually fade away in
> the monitor.  That makes me believe there is an internal clock in xymon
> telling it to check all data since last check date.  I tried to rename
> "data" directories erasing previous histories but that just give me a error.
>  Can I set that internal clock to NULL or some date?
> I can also reprocess all data by blowing away and re-installing xymon.
> - David

Disclaimer:  1) all opinions are my own, 2) I may be completely wrong, 3) my
advice is worth at least as much as what you are paying for it, or your
money cheerfully refunded.