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Re: [hobbit] DISK Problems... maybe a BUG?

1) "testsever" must exactly match the hostname of the client data (~/client/tmp/msg.testserver.txt).
2) Make sure to place your rules *before* the DEFAULT settings.


Cayo de Moraes wrote:

im monitoring the filesystems on an AIX 5.3 server with the hobbit-client 4.2.0... when i try to "configure" the DISK parameters for this client on in the hobbit-clients.cfg file (server side) it doesn't work...

im trying to change the yellow / red status for one filesystem see below:

     DISK /save IGNORE
     DISK /test/archiv 20 30

I also tried doing this:

DISK %^/save* IGNORE --> this was mentioned in one old post as a solution for the IGNORE issues... but it doesn't work for me. The other issue with the non-standard threshold ( DISK /test/archiv 20 30 ) also is a big problem to me...

I really don't know what im missing here... I tried many diferent parameters, but none worked. Can someone help me pls?
