I have xymon 4.2.3 server running on solaris 10. This is a new xymon
install and I have been setting up the initial alerts and changing
hobbit-clients.cfg and hobbit-alerts.cfg. Alerts are generally
working as I intended. However, at some point, I also began getting
the following alert:
Hobbit [398021] xymon:hobbitd_alert stopped reporting (PURPLE)
red - Program crashed
Fatal signal caught!
The hobbitd_alert process continues to run (see below) and alerts
continue to be generated. I have backed out almost all my changes to
hobbit-alerts.cfg so it is "bare bones". The crashes continue. Any
suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? I would enable debugging per
the hobbitd_alert MAN page if I could determine how to do that.
thanks in advance,
$ ptree 29939
29931 /export/home/xymon/server/bin/hobbitlaunch
29939 hobbitd_channel --channel=page --log=/var/log/xymon/page.log
hobbitd_alert --ch
29943 hobbitd_alert
--checkpoint-file=/export/home/xymon/server/tmp/alert.chk --check