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RE: [hobbit] CanÂt receive client data

Did you have a working setup with Hobbit 4.2.0, with clients that sent data correctly? Are you using the same IP or DNS name on the new server as configured in the clients?


-----Original Message-----
From: Thorben Advena [mailto:thorben.advena (at) zdv.uni-tuebingen.de] 
Sent: den 12 augusti 2009 13:57
To: Hobbit Mailing List
Subject: [hobbit] CanÂt receive client data


i installed a new server with sles11 and Xymon 4.2.3. I must move our 
old server with the Hobbit Monitor 4.2.0 to the new machine.I reuse the 
most of the configuration files from the Hobbit Monitor 4.2.0 to 
configure Xymon.

My biggest problem ist, that xymon canÂt recieve any data from my hobbit 
clients on the other machines. So i can only see the conn-, info- and 
trends Information.The other way around i recieve all data from my 
server (Xymon Server) over the xymon client. So i can check cpu-, disk 
status and so on. Must i install on all my machines a xymon client to 
recieve data ? That would be devastating.

IÂm a amateur in Xymon and need help, because i canÂt find a answer for 
my problem.

Kind regards
Thorben Advena

Thorben Advena
Zentrale Systeme

Zentrum fÃr Datenverarbeitung
UniversitÃt TÃbingen

WÃchterstraÃe 76
D-72074 TÃbingen

Tel: +497071 29-70284
Fax: +497071 29-5912

Email: thorben.advena (at) zdv.uni-tuebingen.de