On Monday, 3 August 2009 14:01:36 Leon Volfson wrote:
I'm using version 4.3.0-beta2 on Ubuntu 8.04.1 server.
I've experienced some ISP networking problems this morning, which made
Xymon mark all the connections red.
After a few minutes the network went back to normal, but the red
"lights" stayed on.
It was only the conn test, all the other including telnets to port 80
were green.
I tried restarts and such - nothing helped. The only thing that did help
was "apt-get dpkg-reconfigure".
The one thing that I did notice is that it always tried to ping an
OpenDNS server, as this is the one I have in resolv.conf.
Don't use OpenDNS for name resolution on a monitoring system, as the false
positive results will hurt you ...
Or, if you must, use the 'testip' option for every host in bb-hosts.
What I wanted to ask is if there are any ways to remove some cache or
temp files instead of doing dpkg-reconfigure as it's a bit of an ugly
Well, the things that could have made a difference here are:
-restarting hobbit
-invalidating any (non-hobbit) name resolution caches (e.g. nscd etc.).
although absolutely clean and fast - took me 5 seconds without loosing
any data.