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RE: [hobbit] Debugging issues with bb-histlog.sh on 4.3.0
- To: hobbit system monitoring <hobbit (at) hswn.dk>
- Subject: RE: [hobbit] Debugging issues with bb-histlog.sh on 4.3.0
- From: "T.J. Yang" <tj_yang (at) hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 06:28:12 -0500
- Importance: Normal
- References: <4A402BA0.1000802 (at) doublesparks.net> <BAY138-DS6FA659F42290FB8F838FF9F360 (at) phx.gbl> <4A42C3B1.3020106 (at) doublesparks.net> <997a524e0906241732w6d4aa1cfud4b67acf718a38fe (at) mail.gmail.com> <4A42C7E9.7050205 (at) doublesparks.net> <BAY138-W2568A108E29C32B23619D39F340 (at) phx.gbl> <997a524e0906242116x51d5c01dv505af407a306c909 (at) mail.gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 23:16:39 -0500
> From: ralphmitchell (at) gmail.com
> To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
> Subject: Re: [hobbit] Debugging issues with bb-histlog.sh on 4.3.0
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 10:55 PM, T.J. Yang> wrote:
> ----------------------------------------
>> Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 18:42:17 -0600
>> From: asparks (at) doublesparks.net
>> To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
>> Subject: Re: [hobbit] Debugging issues with bb-histlog.sh on 4.3.0
>> Ralph Mitchell wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Alan Sparks
>>>> wrote:
>>> T.J. Yang wrote:
>>>> I am experiencing same problem but it is on a 4.2.0 server.
>>>> If you like, we can work together to debug this issue.
>>>> This bug is listed on my hobbit deployment todo list .
>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>> From: "Alan Sparks"
>>>>> I've some "random" failures on bb-histlog.sh, viewing items in
>>> the bb2
>>>>> event log. Some work as expected, but some when clicked appear
>>> to do
>>>>> nothing. Hitting the URL for that (say
>>> http://den2sch17/hobbit-cgi/bb-histlog.sh?HOST=den1ws063&SERVICE=nfs&TIMEBUF=Mon_Jun_22_18:46:39_2009
>>> )
>>>>> with curl shows a zero-length reply. Checking the Apache error log
>>>>> shows "Premature end of script headers: bb-histlog.sh, referer:
>>>>> http://den2sch17/hobbit/bb2.html";. I have found no core files left
>>>>> behind.
>>> Well, I have mixed luck running under GDB... looking at the code,
>>> saw it
>>> was trying to get the CGI info from the environment so set some
>>> environment variables to fake up enough CGI environment to get it to
>>> run. But mostly wound up getting segfaults in expand_env on the
>>> But I stumbled upon something that fixed my problem -- but not sure
>>> why. I edited the cgi-bin/bb-histlog.sh file, and added
>>> "cd /tmp" before the meat of the script. For some reason, I now
>>> seem to
>>> have no issues.
>>> Perhaps that ought to be "cd $BBTMP" instead?? Keep all Xymon stuff
>>> in one place.
>>> Ralph Mitchell
>> BBTMP is not defined when this script runs...
> Following is my debugging of my hobbit server implementation(using slightly different paths).
> bb-hostsvc.sh has two lines of code.
> 1. ". /etc/opt/hobbitserver42/hobbitcgi.cfg"
> 2. "exec /opt/hobbitserver42/bin/hobbitsvc.cgi $CGI_SVC_OPTS"
> $CGI_SVC_OPTS variable got declared in hobbitcgi.cfg as following
> CGI_SVC_OPTS="--env=/etc/opt/hobbitserver42/hobbitserver.cfg --no-svcid --history=top"
> and in hobbitserver.cfg, BBTMP is declared also.
> So I don't see why declaring BBTMP can help. but I did go ahead and re-declared BBTMP variable in bb-histlog.sh. The premature error message still showing in apache error_log file.
> And I do see a core file under cig-bin and file command shows it is from hobbitsvc.cgi command.
> But did you cd to $BBTMP as well as redefining it?? The only reason I mentioned it was that Alan reported that "cd /tmp" made it work. I just thought it would be better to cd into a place the Xymon owns.
1. following change still generate Premature errors.
cd ${BBTMP}
. /etc/opt/hobbitserver42/hobbitcgi.cfg
exec /opt/hobbitserver42/bin/hobbitsvc.cgi $CGI_SVC_OPTS
2. Tracing the src code now
HOBBITSVCOBJS = hobbitsvc.o hobbitsvc-info.o hobbitsvc-trends.o
hobbitsvc.cgi is from hobbitsvc.c hobbitsvc-info.c hobbitsvc-trends.c.
> Ralph Mitchell
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