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Re: [hobbit] SPLITNCV and graphs

Thanks, but that's not exactly what I want, because new "values" are
added unpredictably.
I want something what looks similar to devmon's if_load graphs, but
devmon makes that with custom rrd via scripts instead of NCV.
Any idea if that is possible with SPLITNCV? I mean every tracked value
in one page has it's own graph.

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 2:56 PM, dOCtoR MADneSs <doctor (at) makelofine.org> wrote:
> Gatis A. a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> How can I get SPLITNCV data to be drawn in seperate graphs not in one.
>> For isntance I am going to track:
>> value1 : a
>> value2 : b
>> value3 : c
>> valuex : x
>> (count of "values" will change randomly)
>> then i will get following rrd files (each tracking one value)
>> test,value1.rrd
>> test,value2.rrd
>> test,value3,rrd
>> test,valuex,rrd
>> and with following hobbitgraph definition
>> [test]
>>        FNPATTERN test,value(.*).rrd
>>        TITLE test
>>        YAXIS TEST
>>        DEF:p (at) RRDIDX@= (at) RRDFN@:lanbda:AVERAGE
>>        LINE1:p (at) RRDIDX@# (at) COLOR@:@RRDPARAM@ aa
>> I am getting one graph with three(or more) lines, but I want to get
>> three(or more) seperate graphs with one line each.
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Gatis
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> Hi,
> You could define graphs as it :
> [value1]
>  TITLE Whatever you want
> YAXIS value1_data_type
> DEF:VALUE1=test,value1.rrd:lambda:AVERAGE
> LINE1:VALUE1#000088:value1_data_type
> repeat the operation for each test,valueX.rrd file
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