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Re: [hobbit] xymon RPMS for RHEL/Centos 3/4/5

----- "Martin Flemming" <martin.flemming (at) desy.de> wrote:

> Hi, Buchan !
> Stupid question by me,
> but how must i rebuild the srpm on ScientificLinux/RHEL, i've got this
> error
>   rpmbuild --rebuild xymon-4.2.3-1.rhel5.src.rpm
> sh: %{mdkversion}/10: syntax error: operand expected (error token is 
> "%{mdkversion}/10")
> sh: %{mdkversion}/10: syntax error: operand expected (error token is 
> "%{mdkversion}/10")
> Fehler: Fehlgeschlagene Paket-AbhÃngigkeiten:
>          fping wird benÃtigt von xymon-4.2.3-0.1.mdk.i386

This is a by-product of me re-using the Mandriva source RPM (as I do for a lot of other packages), and relying on some Mandriva macros.

> .. i know, a simple rpm-question :-(

Grab this file, and drop it in /etc/rpm :


I'll add an error message to this effect (as I did on the OpenLDAP packages) on the next packages.
