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Re: [hobbit] Question on Hobbitping

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 7:25 PM, Jason Hand <jason (at) hands4christ.org> wrote:
> I saw a couple of threads on this issue but I'm not clear what the best
> solution is.  When I run a ping to a given host on the same network I see
> the response in very small ms response times but Hobbit 4.2 reports that
> they are from 20ms to 40ms.  Another poster commented:
> "It looks like the delays are coming from the usleep line in send_ping();
> this looks like it was put in there to do some network/cpu throttling,
> which would definitely make the bbtest-net duration longer, but I'm not
> sure yet why it is affecting the icmp return times.
> Running hobbitping with the flag "--max-pps=10000000" seems to fix
> things."
> My question is -- Where do you add that flag?
> Also, would it be advantageous to run fping instead of Hobbitping?  How many
> of you are running fping instead of Hobbitping and why did you choose that?

Use fping. Most of us I think. Same reason why you are going to choose
it. It is not
production ready. Something much better is coming with Xymon 4.3 per Henrik.

> Thanks,
> Jason
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Asif Iqbal
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