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Xymon 4.2.2 / hobbit-clients.cfg rules problem


I've updated my main Xymon server to 4.2.2 version (64bit). All is working perfectly and yesterday I've changed the IP of this server. Everything went fine but now, I got troubles with one monitored host (www01, hobbit client 4.2.0+allinone, 32bit). Indeed, every five minutes two tests go red : "procs" and "ports". I don't why but when I click the test, I can see the output of another host (wwwdev01, Xymon client 4.2.2, 64bit) !!! I think my rules are bad in the hobbit-clients.cfg file but no, for me it's correct. See by yourself :

       LOG     /var/log/messages %WARN|ERROR COLOR=yellow
       LOG     /var/log/messages FATAL COLOR=red
      PORT    "LOCAL=%([.:]80)$" state=ESTABLISHED MIN=0 TRACK=http
      PORT    "REMOTE=%([.:]3306)$" state=ESTABLISHED MIN=0 TRACK=mysql
      PORT    "LOCAL=%([.:]8088)$" state=LISTEN MIN=1 "TEXT=Sinequa"
      PROC    "iIntuitiond"           1
      PROC    "/usr/sbin/apache2"     1
       LOG     /var/log/messages %WARN|ERROR COLOR=yellow
       LOG     /var/log/messages FATAL COLOR=red
       PORT    "LOCAL=%([.:]80)$" state=LISTEN "TEXT=Listening to http"
       PORT    "LOCAL=%([.:]80)$" state=ESTABLISHED MIN=0 TRACK=http
       PORT    "LOCAL=%([.:]443)$" state=LISTEN "TEXT=Listening to https"
       PORT    "LOCAL=%([.:]443)$" state=ESTABLISHED MIN=0 TRACK=https
       PROC    "/usr/local/Zend/apache2/bin/httpd"     1

What I'm doing wrong ? Thanks for help and yes, I will be migrated all my clients hosts to Xymon 64bit version, soon.
