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RE: [hobbit] BBNET customize short interval ping

You can use ping, or floodping (fping) or any other test that you want.
The built-in Xymon "conn" test is not really designed to run at one
second intervals.  In fact, a ping can take several seconds to time out,
so you need to either ping with a very short timeout period, or deal
with the fact that ping A may still be "active" (and on its way to
timeout) when you issue ping B.  If you write a single-threaded script
you will fall behind.
I've heard good things about something called "smoke ping" but I have
never used it or even investigated it.
There is documentation available for creating your own tests in Xymon.
The basic task is to write some executable that the Hobbit client can
launch at regular intervals, or you need to write something that can run
as a standalone system and then communicate status at regular intervals.
You decided what status to send Xymon, and you send it when you are
ready.  Xymon will take care of the rest.  If you want to graph your
results you have to set up Xymon to detect your data as it comes in and
log it in RRD files, and you will have to define any graphs that you
You can do some "interesting" things with Xymon and some simple custom
tests.  For instance, if you are capturing syslog on a central server,
you can run a "wc -l" against the file every 5 minutes, and let the RRD
library log this for you.  If you let the RRD function calculate a rate,
you can easily graph your "syslogs/per second" over 576 days, and look
for trends.  This is not particulary elegant, but it does work...


	From: Naudit007 [mailto:mailinglist.benoit (at) gmail.com] 
	Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 9:42 AM
	To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
	Subject: Re: [hobbit] BBNET customize short interval ping
	Ok, thank you Greg.
	The pings are only started since serveur. 
	But what advise me as command to create my script ??? Ping is
the better solution ? 
	2009/2/20 Hubbard, Greg L <greg.hubbard (at) eds.com>

		You would be better off writing your own test than to
try to do this with the standard Xymon functions.  All you need to do is
write a test that will ping at one second intervals and record the
results.  then, at the end of your test you can scan the results and
send a consolidated message to Xymon for display.
		One ping per second is very aggressive, and you are
going to find that many pings are dropped or delayed (deferred) due to
normal network activity -- and that this is not a problem.

	<mailinglist.benoit - at - gmail!com>