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How to split checks between pages?

Hello all,

We have a Hobbit(XyMon) 4.2.0 setup in our company, monitoring
approxiametely 80 servers.
This is all working out fine, but with the growing success of our
monitoring come several challenges.

We are trying to split up the monitoring of several thing between the
administration groups that are responsible for the specific parts being
monitored. Splitting between UNIX servers, SAN enclosures and network
components is pretty easy, so we have different pages for UNIX servers,
SAN enclosures and network components.

But the challenge arises when we want our Database admins and our
Application admins to have pages for their own checks. I want
connection, SSH-daemon processes and system disks to be displayed and
monitored by UNIX admins, oracle processes and oracle disks monitored by
DBA, application processes and application disks by Application admins.

Preferably on different pages with different logins to access them.

So far all I've been able to do is setup copy pages with the
'dispinclude', but that does not quite do what I want. For example I
setup 'NOPROPRED' in the UNIX versions of the hosts for the 'sap_r3' (an
application) check, but that means it is also not propagated on the page
for the SAP-admins. (eventhough I made different unix.hosts and
sap.hosts files to be included (unix.hosts) and dispincluded (sap.hosts)
in bb-hosts )

How do I split the different checks for one host (or cluster) between
the different levels of administration, on separate pages?


PS on a different note: will all traces of BB and hobbit de removed in
the configuration filenames in the future as well? It seems like it
might be a bit confusing otherwise...