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RE: [hobbit] Graphing Question

Hi All

Thanks for the info. My file is being produced in the format Name: Value now but still I cannot see a graph.

My question is the following:
Is the format?

Also I use the windows eol indicator is this incorrect?


-----Original Message-----
From: Johann Eggers [mailto:Johann.Eggers (at) teleatlas.com] 
Sent: 19 February 2009 04:20 PM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] Graphing Question

From: Neil Franken [mailto:nfranken (at) theunlimitedworld.co.za] 
Sent: Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 14:32
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] Graphing Question

Hi All

Quick one. I am running a vbs script called IIS health Check on my WIndooz machine. It produces a file which is place in the bbwin\tmp directory and picked up and sent to the XyMon Server. XyMon then displays the values with a nice graph. 

The file looks like this:
green 2009/02/19 03:18:56 PM

IIS Health Check:
&green Connections:     120
&green RequestsQueued:           10
&green Sessions:             20


Now I produced a exe which reads performance counter does the same thing as the IIS check i.e it produces a file called msdiskperf in the BBwin\tmp directory. However there is no graph. 
The file looks like this:
green 2009/02/19 01:33:56 PM

MS Disk Check:
&green Avg. Disk Queue Length               2.5
&green Avg. Disk Sec/Read         10
&green Avg. Disk Sec/Write        0.1
&green % Disk Time        24


What do I need to do to include a graph based on the data? Anyone have some ideas? The data does get to XyMon there is just no graph.



do you use Xymon's NCV mechanism to build up and feed the RRD files?

Then you have to use 


lines in your output; and that's not the case in your performance counter output


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