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Re: [hobbit] MS SQL Monitoring

On Tuesday 17 February 2009 07:55:07 Neil Franken wrote:
> Hi Guys
> Maybe you can help. I would like to monitor my  MS SQL installations
> with more detail.  They give more trouble than the MySQL installs (go
> figure). Anyway went to dead cat download the  bb-sqlserver.vbs script.
> I made changes to the BBWin.cfg script to run this script. The entry
> looks as follows <load value="cscript bb-sqlserver.vbs" timer="1m" />.
> The problem is when I run this script but it throws some weird
> wmiprvse.exe unkown software exception. Anyway this script does not run.
> I had a look at the mail archives and I found a thread where they
> mentioned doing some modifications to the script to make it work. I did
> follow these steps.
> Anyway..... has anyone had success in monitoring more SQL specific data.

Well, AFAIK, dbcheck.pl from http://sourceforge.net/projects/hobbit-perl-cl/ 
should be able to monitor MS SQL as well (remotely, from a Unix host e.g. your 
Hobbit/Xymon server).

I haven't used it with MS SQL yet (don't have database accounts to use on the 
MSSQL boxes in our environment yet), but we use it for MySQL and Oracle, and 
apparently it supports Oracle, Informix, SQL Server, MySQL and DB2.
