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Re: [hobbit] Xymon 4.3.0: Beta version available on Sourceforge

Thanks for the quick reply Henrik!
    I really think that the bigger problem is, as you said, the correct
daily-basics knowledge to develop a good-and-well-structured database for
Hobbit, which is a biiig project.

    The availability problem is actually not a problem, you can create a
Cluster/Replication for the Database in the case of big structures, for
small environments you can just deploy the database on the same server, i
think its like 95% of environments todays that uses Hobbit/Xymon btw...

    I have a work colleage whos have basic/good knowledge developing
C/database applications, maybe in a near future we can dedicate the
aproppriate time to code a such an addon as you said, i'll keep in touch if
i have any news...

    For now, thank you very much for your great effort.



On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 22:34:56 +0100, Henrik Størner <henrik (at) hswn.dk> wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 07:21:43PM -0200, giovanni (at) redix.com.br wrote:
>> Hi Henrik,
>>    I was reading about 4.5 release and maybe its time to think about
> store
>> the data into a Database like MySQL/PostgreSQL, if you do that far more
>> contributors can start to colaborate with customs web-interfaces,
> reports,
>> etc etc.
> this subject comes up once in a while. I have two problems with it:
> 1) I've never done any programming that interfaces to a database, so
> it would mean digging into one more API - but that is something I
> could probably handle.
> 2) The real problem is that unless the database is co-located with the
> Xymon server, then your monitoring suddenly becomes dependant on
> a remote database-server. So what happens if your database server loses
> the network connection to the Xymon server ? You won't get any alerts
> from Xymon, because it has no data available to generate alerts from.
> It's the same reason that has kept me from using SAN storage for my
> production Xymon server at work. Much too complex for my taste, far
> too many ways it can break.
> And the time when you need your Xymon server the most is *exactly*
> when everything else has gone down in flames.
> What I *would* consider is to create a module like the hobbitd_filestore
> module, except it sends the status-data off to a database somewhere.
> Or even an external module for hobbitd_rrd that gets all of the
> parsed data we collect and use as the basis of all of the graphs.
> Such modules would be very easy to write for someone who knows how
> to do programming with the database API - my guess is that it wouldn't
> take more than a day or two.
> So if you know someone who could voluteer for such an add-on, I would
> be very happy to work together with him/her on putting such an add-on
> together.
> Regards,
> Henrik
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