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Re: [hobbit] Xymon 4.3.0: Beta version available on Sourceforge

That is pretty much how I interpreted what Henrik said.  The gui pages and
alerts need to be generated as fast as possible, and right now the info
flows through shared memory.  I don't think it gets much faster than that.
A database writer module could run in parallel or behind, as long as nothing
else was impacted if the database was slow or inaccessible.

Ralph Mitchell

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 8:43 PM, Brian Catlin <bcatlin (at) gmail.com> wrote:

>    How about you alert on the incoming as usual, then store the events
> (batched or not) into the backend database so that reports can be developed
> for management, history could use for lookups, etc... That might make this a
> little more palatable to you, and a lot more usable to those of us who have
> to prove to management that the  time we invest in getting this doing what
> we want is not a drain on their resources.
> Reports are management blood, no reports - no use... (for managers) - I
> have had managers tell me this in the past. (on the other hand - two weeks
> after I installed clients on one department's sun servers, the manager had
> some questions about server performance over the past few weeks = was quite
> pleased and surprised when I gave him a spreadsheet that laid out the data
> for all his servers in 1/2 hour, as was even more please when I showed him
> how to view his page of servers.)
> Another thing that using a database to store history in - much better
> security for those of us who work in security realms and have to protect
> data - alarm history can give a lot of info away to a hacker if they gain
> access to the server running the master.
> With a database, it can be secured and only have authorized users that
> access it.
> One thing everyone should remember - in business, as in life, perception is
> 80 % of the way things are seen - think about it...
>  lurch (at) inorbit.com
> *-------Original Message-------*
>  *From:* Henrik Størner <henrik (at) hswn.dk>
> *Date:* 2/9/2009 4:40:49 PM
> *To:* hobbit (at) hswn.dk
> *Subject:* Re: [hobbit] Xymon 4.3.0: Beta version available on Sourceforge
> Hi Giovanni,
> On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 07:21:43PM -0200, giovanni (at) redix.com.br wrote:
> >
> > Hi Henrik,
> >
> >    I was reading about 4.5 release and maybe its time to think about
> store
> > the data into a Database like MySQL/PostgreSQL, if you do that far more
> > contributors can start to colaborate with customs web-interfaces,
> reports,
> > etc etc.
> this subject comes up once in a while. I have two problems with it:
> 1) I've never done any programming that interfaces to a database, so
> it would mean digging into one more API - but that is something I
> could probably handle.
> 2) The real problem is that unless the database is co-located with the
> Xymon server, then your monitoring suddenly becomes dependant on
> a remote database-server. So what happens if your database server loses
> the network connection to the Xymon server ? You won't get any alerts
> from Xymon, because it has no data available to generate alerts from.
> It's the same reason that has kept me from using SAN storage for my
> production Xymon server at work. Much too complex for my taste, far
> too many ways it can break.
> And the time when you need your Xymon server the most is *exactly*
> when everything else has gone down in flames.
> What I *would* consider is to create a module like the hobbitd_filestore
> module, except it sends the status-data off to a database somewhere.
> Or even an external module for hobbitd_rrd that gets all of the
> parsed data we collect and use as the basis of all of the graphs.
> Such modules would be very easy to write for someone who knows how
> to do programming with the database API - my guess is that it wouldn't
> take more than a day or two.
> So if you know someone who could voluteer for such an add-on, I would
> be very happy to work together with him/her on putting such an add-on
> together.
> Regards,
> Henrik
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