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Monitored tests not dropping

I'm setting up xymon 4.2.2 on a redhat ES5 platform.  I was using BB and brought over most of my configuration without much problem.

I am having an issue with the web page updating that I can seem to figure out.  I have had some tests that have gone purple for windows when I updated bbwin from .11 to .12.  It looks like netstat is no longer being provided and the data is a bit more like my other linux clients.  So all I need to do is to get rid of the netstat status.  Originally this status was purple and I blued it out until it changed green.  After working on other issues I have come back to this issue.

I have tried several things without success.

~/server/bin/bb localhost "drop server,mydomain,com netstat"

The blue status does't change...  Curiously under enable/disable or the info tab it doesn't show up as being blued out.  I even tried blueing it here and unblueing it and it stays blue...

I did "find ~/data -name "*netstat*" -ls" and the data in the hist directory for that server is now gone after the drop command.  There is still data in histlogs but I think that is ok.

I also did ~/server/bin/bb localhost hobbitdboard |grep server and the test and status blue are shown on this status.

I've tried some other things as well.

I've tried restarting hobbit.  No effect.  I've tried removing the server from bb-hosts and then droping the entire server and waiting for the page to update with the service gone then adding the server back.  Sometimes this works but not always.  The drop command always seems to remove data from the hist directory.

I also have a hobbitd-client test on the main hobbit server status that is purple and I found a couple core files in ~/server/tmp.  I think this happened when I was working on setting up central management of my servers and making various changes to the hobbit-clients.cfg file.  Again I tried using the drop server hobbitd-client command without luck.

So I guess I'm trying to figure out where hobbitd is saving the status and how to remove it.  I guess I could shut hobbit down and remove all traces of this server in all the data directories but was hoping there was a better way...
