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Re: [hobbit] SQL storage backends (was RE: [hobbit] Xymon 4.3.0: Beta version available on Sourceforge)

On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 01:33:37PM -0800, Cleaver, Japheth wrote:
> In theory, any backend can be used with the creation of an appropriate
> hobbitd_channel listener (eg, hobbitd_sqlstore). I was thinking of
> whipping one up a few days ago using perl DBI::mysql as a test, but was
> distracted figuring out the proper message-parsing mechanics out of
> hobbitd_sample.c.

Hey, it sounds like we just got the volunteer I asked for in my
response to Giovanni :-)

Seriously, if you would like to work on this then I'll be happy to
explain the way your worker module is being fed data from hobbitd.
Parsing it in Perl should be pretty straight-forward.

> It would help to have a standardized SQL schema for people to base
> third-party extensions off of though.

Probably, yes :-)
