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RE: [hobbit] conn,files,ports and procs columns have status as clear..help

If I recall correctly a clear status is shown when Xymon hasn't received
any status message for that particular test, or if it is not configured
to process that particular message (using the "noconn" option for
example). I would confirm that you have configured the software to check
and report files, ports and procs.
I have one example where I am checking that a program called "tethereal"
is running. There must be at least one of these but there can be up to
I am also checking that port 5901 has a VNC daemon running on it.
        PORT "LOCAL=%([.:]5901)$" state=LISTEN TEXT=vnc
        PROC tethereal 1 50 red

To verify that this is working put these lines, or something that's
going to work, in the hobbit-clients.cfg on the server. After a few
minutes look in your web browser to see if this data is showing as up or
down on your Xymon website, you should see some data.
I believe that this information is retrieved from the message packet
that the client sends to the server, you can view this data in your web
browser by clicking on any of the available test links for a given
server (apart from info) and clicking on the "Client data
ss.colt.net>  available" link. Once the server retrieves this data it
searches the process list for the PROC entries and it searches the
"netstat -a" data for the PORT entries.
As for the connection being white, hobbitping is what you have
configured your Xymon server to use to check connectivity. If your
hobbitping isn't able to run then connectivity cannot be checked and
this is why everything is white in this column.
Do as you have been instructed and set the hobbitping program to run
setuid. I believe that it should be set this way during installation so
try the following:
$ ls -al /opt/xymon/server/bin/hobbitping
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root     hobbit    125088 Jan  9 15:27 hobbitping

You should see the output as I have it above, however from the error
message you are getting I guess you are seeing something like:
-rwxr-xr-x   1 hobbit  hobbit    125088 Jan  9 15:27 hobbitping

So you will need to change to the root user (use sudo or su) and
# chown root:hobbit /opt/xymon/server/bin/hobbitping
# chmod 4755 /opt/xymon/server/bin/hobbitping
The first changes the owner to root and the second changes it so that
when hobbitping is executed it is run with the root user's privileges.

	-----Original Message-----
	From: pankaj dorlikar [mailto:pankaj.dorlikar (at) gmail.com] 
	Sent: 07 February 2009 11:23
	To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
	Subject: [hobbit] conn,files,ports and procs columns have status
as clear..help
	i am using xymon 4.2.2.RC1 for linux.In all clients and server
also i get status of 
	conn,files,ports and procs columns status as clear always.is
there any erro?How to make these colums show correct stastus?
	Details :
	 conn - Hobbit system error(clear)
	Files- No files checked(clear)
	Ports-No port checks defined(clear)
	Procs-No process checks defined(clear)
	also Execution of 'hobbitping -Ae' failed - program not suid
root? is shown in bbtest columcn of serevr(red)
	For getting complete status of client, is it sufficient to just
copy client folder to another client and run runclient.sh ?will it give
me complete status of client including extrenal tests configured for
	kindly help
	Pankaj V. Dorlikar

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