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Re: [hobbit] randomizing execution of tests

On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 12:09 AM, Larry Barber <lebarber (at) gmail.com> wrote:
> You can also stretch out your testing interval by limiting the concurrency
> in bbtest-net. See the man page for the exact syntax.

problem is not on hobbit server side, in which case reducing the concurrency
limit will help. It is actually one specific http server which takes
longer than default 10 second
to respond. I don't want to change the default timeout for all. I was
looking for a {host,service}
specific timeout. Since that does not exist an extension script with
curl for just that one http
server will do the job.

> Thanks,
> Larry Barber
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:25 AM, David Paper <hobbit (at) ginch.org> wrote:
>> Greetings hobbit gurus [0],
>> While I am still trying to search my way to an answer via the archives of
>> this list and google, I'm hoping someone could point me in the right
>> direction.
>> I've got a bb-hosts file with 8 server process instances getting tested.
>>  Each instance gets tested with 3 HTTP requests (2 GET, 1 POST).  All 8
>> server processes live on the same physical OS instance.  This results in 24
>> HTTP requests getting sent from hobbit within 1/100th of a second.  This
>> causes the load on the host to spike, and generates contention w/in each
>> server to satisfy the requests.  This same setup is repeated for hundreds of
>> hosts and hundreds of processes.
>> Is there a way to tell hobbit to take all of the entries in bb-hosts and
>> test them in a random order w/in the 1 minute testing interval?  This would
>> end up staggering the arrival of each HTTP test somewhat and lessen
>> contention within each HTTP server and on each host.
>> Thanks,
>> -dave
>> [0] Of which I am not, but ... maybe one day.
>> --
>> Dave Paper
>> MCSE is to computers as McDonalds Certified Chef is to fine cuisine.
>> To unsubscribe from the hobbit list, send an e-mail to
>> hobbit-unsubscribe (at) hswn.dk

Asif Iqbal
PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer: pgp.mit.edu
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?