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Re: [hobbit] client error on startup

In <99fd84120901131407oc61adbai293aeb71a4418a6 (at) mail.gmail.com> ken schweiker <kenschweiker (at) gmail.com> writes:

>Generally Hobbit is running very well for me. I really appreciate all the
>work everyone has done to make it so useful.
>Problem with a client. I scp'd the client directory from the hobbit server
>to my client machines. This has usually worked well except when I did the
>same thing to a redhat 4.2 server.

>The error I get running ./runclient.sh start is;
>line 83: /home/hobbit/client/bin/hobbitlaunch : cannot execute binary file.

You need to rebuild the client on this server - the binary format of the
executables on it is different. Could be a 32/64-bit issue.

>Do I have to rebuild the client on this particular server? Is there a
>separate tar file for clients or do I have to install the complete Hobbit
>tar file?

It's the same source file, just run "./configure --client" for a client-
only installation.
