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Re: [hobbit] Two DNS lookups for a server but one fails

OK, it seems that the bugfix I added in Xymon 4.2.2 had some nasty

I have started work on a 4.2.3 maintenance tree in Subversion, and
there is a new version of the DNS code in it currently. 

You can try out this code (download it from the link above), but it
also involves a change from C-ARES 1.2.1 -> 1.6.0, so you will have
to re-run the configure script to perhaps pick up a new runtime
library that the new C-ARES requires (librt).

I ran it for most of Friday afternoon at work with no obvious bad
effects, so I hope it will work better than the current code.

In <1F7B01020EC4D04DA17703634B9E888E09BFE6DF (at) ULPGCTMVMAI003.EU.COLT> "Ward, Martin" <Martin.Ward (at) colt.net> writes:

>Also I am unsure why it's even reaching this part of the code when I specif=
>ied --no-ares on the command line.

Xymon still uses ARES to perform the "dns" tests for specific hosts; 
the standard resolver library does not allow you to specify what DNS
server to query. So the --no-ares option only has effect on the DNS
lookups Hobbit performs to determine the IP of the hosts it is testing,
it does not affect the specific testing of a DNS server.
