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Re: [hobbit] get hobbit to show status for same host but with different configuration

In <1ebd03650901020113u39d2d030p37d8e4f9d550c6d5 (at) mail.gmail.com> "Mogens Busk" <mogens.busk (at) gmail.com> writes:

>I Would like to make Xymon display 2 pages with the same hosts on but with
>different configuration (etc/hobbit-clients.cfg). Is there a way to make
>hobbit read another etc/hobbit-clients.cfg eg.
>etc/hobbit-clients_servicelinea.cfg for one page set and the normal
>etc/hobbit-clients.cfg for the normal page set?

No. The hobbit-clients.cfg is not used dynamically in the sense that 
it is checked when you look at the webpage. It is used when the client
sends in data it has collected; this data is checked against the
hobbit-clients.cfg settings, and then the status data that show up on
the webpage is generated.

So for a single host you cannot have different versions of e.g. the "procs"
status depending on what page you're viewing.

>alternatively is it possible to make a virtual host with bbcombotest which
>includes some specifik process, ports and services from different hosts?

I don't think so (not entirely sure what you mean, but ...)

bbcombotest can only be used to make a combination of existing statuses.
E.g. you have three hosts that you do process-checks on; you can then 
use bbcombotest to build a combined status that shows "green" if e.g.
at least one of the original three hosts has a green "procs" status.
bbcombotest doesn't go into the details of *how* each "procs" status
went green or red, so it cannot be used to look for a specific process
or port.

I think what you want to do needs some custom scripting or programming.
You can pull the data you need out of Hobbit (so you don't have to 
collect it yourself), but wrapping your rules around these data is not
something Hobbit can do out-of-the-box.
