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RE: [hobbit] rrd2mysql gateway

Why do it through Xymon at all?  You know where the rrds are.  Why not use the perl rrd modules that come with rrd and access the rrds directly?


-----Original Message-----
From: Stef Coene [mailto:stef.coene (at) docum.org] 
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 8:21 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] rrd2mysql gateway


I really need to get the rrd counters in a mysql database.  I was able to hack 
hobbitd/do_rrd.c: on each update a perl script is executed with the 
parameters updparams[1], hostname, updparams[3] and updparams[4].  This is 
not working because for every update, the perl script is executed and this 
fills up the memory of my server.

I also tried to replace the perl script with a shell script that puts all the 
data in a named pipe.  But this blocks the hobbit rrd module.

So, can anyone help with more C knowledge then I have?
I was thinking about a non-blocking named pipe in hobbitd/do_rrd.c.  Or maybe 
an extra communication channel like hobbit uses internal.
The best solution would be adding mysql support to hobbit. but I also need to 
do some conversion of the data and I prefer to do this in perl.

Thanx in advance,


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