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RE: [hobbit] Extension of bbmrtg.pl: check on link down

Buchan Milne <mailto:bgmilne (at) staff.telkomsa.net> wrote:
> Devmon does all this for me without any hacks (as it has separate
> tests for the interface status and interface load) ... and the new
> devmon weathermap script will actually show any links down as red ...

By what method(s) is devmon detecting that a link is 'down'? I presume you,
er, hacked up some devmon rules to do this? ;) Maybe you can share these
with us? I've not used devmon, so forgive me if they are elementary - it
would still be nice to see them or the config needed to get this working,
and it might encourage more people to use it and your nice looking
devmon-weathermap. Or if this link detection is completely part of devmon by
default, then can you explain how devmon concludes a link is up or down?

Many thanks,
