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RE: [hobbit] how to monitoring jboss
- To: <hobbit (at) hswn.dk>
- Subject: RE: [hobbit] how to monitoring jboss
- From: "Samuel Cai" <Samuel.Cai (at) ehealth-china.com>
- Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 19:02:10 -0800
- References: <fcae99e70811180117s21111a22vea8ea8956ec1e399 (at) mail.gmail.com> <997a524e0811180657w79b08fc2nf5f8aad5bc6cd9ad (at) mail.gmail.com> <fcae99e70811180717oac63794jc6ab458ed79db368 (at) mail.gmail.com>
- Thread-index: AclJkQbCcEg3UDCOT4K0n6NtSddl7QAYdmmQ
- Thread-topic: [hobbit] how to monitoring jboss
JBoss's Mbeans provide much information, we wrote some java class to get
them and then send to Hobbit.
From: Carlo Alberto Bedogni [mailto:cabedogni (at) gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 11:17 PM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] how to monitoring jboss
Thanks a lot for your reply. but i looking for something more accurate
like the jboss plugin for nagios (
http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-10676 ) i don't know if is
possibile find someting similar for hobbit , or maybe convert the nagios
plugin for hobbit .....
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Ralph Mitchell
<ralphmitchell (at) gmail.com> wrote:
If jboss is just handing out some kind of web page, you could do
something like this in your server/etc/bb-hosts:
a.b.c.d myboss.server.com # http://myjboss.server.com/
or whatever would be an appropriate url for it. That'll let you know
jbos is up and responding. I'm doing something like this already. I
don't have either access or permission (company policy - thou shalt use
CA Unicenter for everything) to run anything on the servers themselves,
but I imagine Unicenter is checking that the processes are running and
maybe checking log files too.
Ralph Mitchell
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 3:17 AM, Carlo Alberto Bedogni
<cabedogni (at) gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all i'm running hobbit 4.2 and i need to monitoring jboss , both ,
the hobbit and the jboss server are running on a centos box.
I have take a look at deadcat.net.au but i can't find nothing about
jboss. any idea?
thanks in advatage