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Hobbit server/client, Nagios server ?!

Hi !

... some spinning around this quite recently thread ....

RE: [hobbit] Nagios client, Hobbit server anyone?


"Hobbit Server/Client and Nagios Server"

I need something which triggers an alarm from an
hobbit-client or hobbitserver (prefer) to our NAGIOS-Server ..

.. the reason ?

Our Operating-Crew and our hole IT-Division (execept me and my Admin-Colleagues)
are using  NAGIOS as our first Monitoring-Tool, but i for my own use 
Hobbit/Xymon ... :-)
So, after Hobbit is monitoring, maybe less fewer (?), the half of our 3000 
 Hobbit/Xymon is switching from "My" to "OUR" Tool ... that's means
more,authoritative and accurate work for me ...

.. and using the big advantage of Hobbit/Xymon to adavance the Monitoring
of our whole Division "against" our Customers ...

... maybe something trigger an alarm while sending alarm-mails
or something around, as told several time before, i'm not a brillant coder :-(

.. or maybe traps .. ?

Some suggestions ? .. are very welcome :-)

thanks & cheers



       Martin Flemming

Martin Flemming
DESY / IT          office : Building 2b / 008a
Notkestr. 85       phone  : 040 - 8998 - 4667
22603 Hamburg      mail   : martin.flemming (at) desy.de