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Re: [SPAM] [hobbit] RRDs created, never updated

On Wednesday 05 November 2008, Jeremy Cappilero wrote:
> I've been using BB/Hobbit with RRDtool for, I guess at least 5 years, maybe
> more.  I've installed it successfully on maybe 10 servers.  Things
> certainly got easier with Hobbit compared to BB!
> I've just installed Hobbit on a Centos 5.2 box and for the life of me I
> can't work out why my RRDs aren't getting updated (they are always created
> during first run, but never updated).  I've grepped every log, history
> file, etc I can find and can find no hints.  Can someone suggest where to
> look for errors or problems to do with *updating* the RRDs?
I never had such a problem on any installation.  Ones a rrd file is created, 
it is also updated.

Can you check if you have the needed processes running ?

"ps -ef | grep hobbitd_rrd" shows 4 processes on my box (lines are truncated):

hobbit   17554 17534  0 16:39 ?        00:00:05 
hobbitd_channel --channel=status --log=/home/users/hobbit/server/log/rrd-status.log 
hobbitd_rrd --rrddir=/home/users/hobbit/data/rrd
hobbit   17558 17534  0 16:39 ?        00:00:00 
hobbitd_channel --channel=data --log=/home/users/hobbit/server/log/rrd-data.log 
hobbitd_rrd --rrddir=/home/users/hobbit/data/rrd
hobbit   17559 17558  0 16:39 ?        00:00:16 
hobbitd_rrd --rrddir=/home/users/hobbit/data/rrd
hobbit   17564 17554  0 16:39 ?        00:00:43 
hobbitd_rrd --rrddir=/home/users/hobbit/data/rrd

You can also trigger an error by making the rrd files unwritable by the hobbit 
user.  This should put an error in the server logfiles whenever hobbit tries 
to update the rrd files.
