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RE: [hobbit] Solaris clients don't report

Hi Brian,
In this instance telnet is being used to see if a port is open, it does
not require the telnetd daemon to be running on any server.
If you telnet from your Hobbit client to your Hobbit server on port 1984
( $ telnet 1984 ) and you get an error like "connection
refused" then the client can probably reach the server but the Hobbit
daemon is not listening on port 1984 on that machine.
If you perform that same command and the connection times out after a
few minutes then the packets are usually being dropped at a firewall
If, however, you perform that command and you get something like
"Connected to ...
Escape character is '^'.
" then the network is set up fine, the remote Hobbit server is up and
running and your client is able to talk to it, so you need to start
looking at problems with the Hobbit configuration.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Brian Catlin [mailto:bcatlin (at) gmail.com] 
Sent: 04 November 2008 01:16
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] Solaris clients don't report

I have similar issues on SuSE SLES 10 servers and vms.  The processes
are, no firewalls.  This is a security server set, so a lot of services
are turned off .  I cant telnet on port 1984 just fine, coming back -
there is no telnetd enabled...  My question is = what, if any network
services are required from the server to have hobbit communications
work.  I have had absolutely no difficulty with my sun servers, even
coming through the firewall from the DMZ.
Anyone have this info please? 
lurch (at) inorbit.com
-------Original Message-------
From: Everett, Vernon <mailto:Vernon.Everett (at) woodside.com.au> 
Date: 11/3/2008 10:17:35 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] Solaris clients don't report
Being able to run the BigBrother client has only negated the need to
check step 7. 
Please continue, and perform check 5. and 6.
As you have stated, you are running an RC version.
It is possible you have stumbled upon a bug of some sort, unique to your
Use snoop to check the client is sending, and again on the server to
ensure it is receiving.


From: Hanrahan, Kevin [mailto:Kevin.Hanrahan (at) elavon.com] 
Sent: Monday, 3 November 2008 10:19 AM
To: 'hobbit (at) hswn.dk'
Subject: RE: [hobbit] Solaris clients don't report
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