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Re: [hobbit] Solaris clients don't report

Hanrahan, Kevin a écrit :

yep, it’s all there:

sysmon 4956 1 0 20:08:43 ? 0:00 sh -c iostat -c 300 2 1>/home/sysmon/client/tmp/hobbit_iostatcpu.kc2b3.4919 2>&

sysmon 4955 1 0 20:08:43 ? 0:00 sh -c vmstat 300 2 1>/home/sysmon/client/tmp/hobbit_vmstat.kc2b3.4919 2>&1; mv

sysmon 3341 1 0 Oct 30 ? 0:05 /home/sysmon/client/bin/hobbitlaunch --config=/home/sysmon/client/etc/clientlau

sysmon 4957 1 0 20:08:43 ? 0:00 sh -c iostat -dxsrP 300 2 1>/home/sysmon/client/tmp/hobbit_iostatdisk.kc2b3.491

but no joy..odd

can you run a snoop to check if you have any info send to hobbit servers on port 1984 ?