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RE: IronPort

I was thinking of designing one myself, but my work load got wait too big for me to accomplish this. But, as a good direction to get started if you are talking about the IronPort ESA, http://<YourIronportURLHere>/xml/status<http://%3cYourIronportURLHere%3e/xml/status>. you need to supply credentials first to see the information, but it's nice to have.

Jason Chambers
IT Help Desk Associate

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From: Everett, Vernon [mailto:Vernon.Everett (at) woodside.com.au]
Sent: September-17-08 10:04 AM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] IronPort


Has anybody got anything to keep an eye on IronPort kit?
Will probably have to script something myself, but if I don't have to, even better.


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