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Using PAGE= to define selective test of procs/svcs


We have a server, which is defined in hobbit under a server group.

However, this same server is also defined under 2 application groups,
because these 2 applications have components that run on the server.

bb-hosts would look something like this
page win Windows Servers
group Application Servers server1	# prefer
page apps Applications
subpage apps_appx ApplicationX server1	#
subpage apps_appy ApplicationY server1	#

Now on server1, we have procs for ApplicationX and ApplicationY
However, if a component of ApplicationX dies, I don't want the procs tab
under ApplicationY to go red.

So in hobbit-config.cfg I tried this
HOST=server1 PAGE=%*apps_appx*
	PROC appx.exe 1 -1 red

HOST=server1 PAGE=%*apps_appy*
	PROC appy.exe 1 -1 red

Either, what I am trying to do is not supported, or I am not getting my
PAGE= syntax right.
I have tried a few variation of this, but still no joy.

Has anybody managed to get this to work?


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