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Re: [hobbit] bb-nfs-client.sh (script in ext)

Or maybe post it to the Shire?
Oh, yes Please ! :-)

I've got no luck with bb-nfs-client.sh.gz
from deadcat till this moment  ...   :-(


On Tue, 29 Jul 2008, michael nemeth wrote:

If its short enough why not post it here? Or maybe post it to the Shire?
Thomas Leavitt wrote:
 For those who might care in the future:

 I got bb-nfs-client.sh working on RHEL/CentOS 4/5 (plus a couple of Fedora
 and RH9 boxes) by ripping out everything related to monitoring the size of
 NFS mounted filesystems, which I could care less about? there?s other code
 that does exactly that. I also had to add some environment variables that
 were not getting properly set (BBHOME, PING. BBOSTYPE), as far as I could
 tell. All I care about is whether the NFS mounts are available and not
 producing errors.

 I?d be happy to share my stripped down version with anyone who cares in
 the future, if so, send me an email a thomleavitt (at) gmail.com.


 *From:* Thomas Leavitt [mailto:tleavitt (at) unameits.com]
 *Sent:* Friday, July 25, 2008 4:49 PM
 *To:* hobbit (at) hswn.dk
 *Subject:* [hobbit] bb-nfs-client.sh (script in ext)

 I?m trying to get this running, so that I can monitor the NFS status of
 various hosts, and I?m getting the same error that everyone else (except
 T.J. Yang on Solaris) seems to be getting? all the servers are reported as
 being down.

 I?m also not seeing the ?nfs? column appear in the Hobbit home page, and
 when I click ?history? by going directly to the NFS page (which indicates
 that the script is at least executing, although it produces no log file
 output), I get ?Cannot open history file? as well.

 But, primarily, I?d just like to get this to work properly, first. I can
 probably stumble through the process of debugging the script, but if
 anyone else can clue me in, I?d appreciate it.

 Client is running CentOS 4.6, patched and up to date.

 This is my clientlaunch.cfg entry:


 ENVFILE $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/etc/hobbitclient.cfg

 CMD $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/ext/bb-nfs-client.sh

 LOGFILE $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/logs/bb-nfs-client.log


 I?ve created a blank ?bb-def.sh? and put it in the ?etc? directory.

 Thanks in advance.


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