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Re: [hobbit] mailack question

Ralph Mitchell wrote:
On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 7:44 PM, Allan Spencer <allan (at) zandahar.net <mailto:allan (at) zandahar.net>> wrote:

    HI all

    A LONG time ago I asked about ack'ing an alert via email (or via
    sms-to-email) and to be able to do so without a subject. A patch
    was written at the time and it was included into the main codebase
    but unfortunately I did not get a chance to imeplement what I
    wanted to and never ended up testing it. Thats has just changed
    recently and now I am having issues acking an alert via text in
    the body.

    If i reply to an email and maintain the subject it works fine, if
    I try cut the subject and paste it as the body nothing happens. I
    havent gone as far as testing it via the sms-to-email app yet as I
    cant get it working from a normal email.

The hobbit-mailack.c program loops through the incoming email, looking for interesting stuff. Here's where it finds the subject line:

     else if (strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "subject:", 8) == 0)
         subjectline = strdup(skipwhitespace(STRBUF(inbuf)+8));
Once the headers are done with, it goes on to look for some things in the email body, such as "delay=" and "ack=":

     else if ((strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "ack=", 4) == 0) ||
                (strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "ack ", 4) == 0)) {
/* Some systems cannot generate a subject. Allow them to ack
                                 * via text in the message body. */
                                subjectline = (char *)malloc(1024);
snprintf(subjectline, 1023, "Subject: Hobbit [%s]", STRBUF(inbuf)+4);

So, does the email body contain a line that starts with "ack=NNNNNN" or "ack NNNNN"?? If not, it won't match the above code fragment. It looks like it should be *just* the number, as that gets filled in between the square brackets in the faked subject line.

I noticed something else interesting in the code. The last thing it does is call sendmessage, handing it a buffer loaded like this:

p += sprintf(p, "hobbitdack %s %d %s", cookie, duration, firsttxtline);
        if (fromline) {
           p += sprintf(p, "\nAcked by: %s", fromline);

I figured it wouldn't hurt to try doing this:

     server/bin/bb localhost "hobbitdack NNNNNN 60 this thing is broken
     Acked by: me (at) this.domain.com <mailto:me (at) this.domain.com>"

where NNNNNN came from a real, current warning message. Note the placement of the double-quotes - there needs to be a newline between the message and "Acked by". And now, just below the "Status unchanged in...." message at the bottom of the page I find this:

          Current acknowledgment: this thing is broken
               Acked by: me (at) this.domain.com <mailto:me (at) this.domain.com>
               Next update at: 12:54 2008-07-09

and there's a nice yellow check mark on the all-non-green page. So it looks like an ACK *can* be sent via the command line...


Cheers Ralph you identified my missing link. I was under the impression that the body needed to be in the same format as the subject but as you have identified thats not the case. I have just test a plain email with ack=xxxx in the body and it worked a charm so hopefully a little later on I can try it end to end via SMS.

I knew Henrik coded it in there when I asked a while ago but unfortunately I never got the chance or the capability to test it back then.
