On þri, 2008-07-08 at 07:33 -0400, michael nemeth wrote:
What I meant; same script but for the "magic" LMSTATDIR= line
Also, while I can get what you did to work for me easy, looks like
"set-up" is different than mine I have to do /wherethelmstatis -a
-c /wherethelicensefile is.
I THINK I remember you can set wherethelicensefile in and
environmental variable .
so this becomes /wherethelmstatis -a
I am not an expert on the Flex License Manager, so my
answers are not complete. I have tested this on 3 license
servers, Red Hat 4, Red Hat 5, and Solaris 9. All have different
license manager configurations, but the flexlm Hobbit module
works with all of them just out of the box, but that is probably
du to the fact that it is the same person administrating them.
Anyway, the lmstat program in 2 of those installations, is in the
same directory as the license file. In the third installation it
is in an environment variable. In all cases the Flex LM programs,
can easily find the license file.
In all cases the user only has to change the path to the lmstat
I feel we are approaching the topic "HOWTO configure Flex License
Manager", and that is not my area.
Actually what I use is: /wherethelmstatis -a -c port (at) system that is:
wherethelmstatis -a -c 22777 (at) mobile2 (my mathlab host)
Which is nice for me since I can "contact" different license server
from one host!
<just touching the HOWTO topic>
To get commication with the license manager through lmstat you
need to specify -c license.txt
This file contains the SERVER line from the license file.
If your lmstat returns Licence server Status: 22777 (at) mobile2
(mine returns License server Status:
22777 (at) mobile2.22777@ntw,22777 (at) sectcfs1 ;
hope this isn't going to be a problem)
Try it and return with the results. :)
" host.example.net # TRENDS:*,flexlm:flexlm|flexlm1|flexlm2|
flexlm3 "
Is it true that on the matlab host you get just the flexlm and flexlm1
while on the maple host you only get
I'm being very inquisitive because Im planning on post in my
clearcasse and mutlisite scripts
soon (don't use flexlm)and want to make sure I handle issues and am
using you script and post as an example.
Aslo I may adapt to script to work like my clearcasse and mutlisite
they run on my hobbit server since the clearlicense will return the
info from where the
license server running and I put the info in a pseudo host
licenses .
I am trying hard to guess, at what you are talking about.
I might what to do that with the flexlm too, so want to understand it
I might not since I've 30 different instances of flexlm !
And what are you using to monitor them now?